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callerIdentityLocation - Variable in class com.qcefast.util.FastArgs
CAPTURE_SCREENSHOT - com.qcefast.enums.Action
This action is used to take is a screenshot using the current webdriver.
checkForNavigator() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Checks to see if the navigator for this element is ready to be used
CHROME - com.qcefast.enums.Browsers
An enum constant for representing using the Chrome browser.
clearFastElementPropeties() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Empties the fastElementProperties of this element.
click() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Clicks on this FastElement using the Framework of this object.
CLICK - com.qcefast.enums.Action
This action is used to click an object located by a TestStep.
CLICK_CELL_OBJECT - com.qcefast.enums.Action
This action is used to click an object within a cell, within a row that exists in a HTML table.
CLOSE_ALL_BROWSERS - com.qcefast.enums.Action
This action is used close all browsers tabs.
CLOSE_BROWSER_TAB - com.qcefast.enums.Action
This action is used to close the browser tab specified in the Page field.
CLOSE_DRIVER_AFTER_SCRIPT - Variable in class com.qcefast.util.FastRunProperties
CLOSE_DRIVER_AFTER_SUITE - Variable in class com.qcefast.util.FastRunProperties
closeAllBrowsers(Framework) - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastDriver
Closes all open windows using the specified framework
closeAllBrowsers(FastRunProperties) - Static method in class com.qcefast.util.BrowserUtil
Closes all browsers using the last used Framework
closeAllBrowsers(FastRunProperties, Framework) - Static method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.BrowserUtilHelper
Closes all open browsers
closeBrowerTab(String, Framework) - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastDriver
Closes the browser tab with the specified pageTitle using the specified framework
closeBrowserTab(String, FastRunProperties) - Static method in class com.qcefast.util.BrowserUtil
Closes the specified browser tab using the last used Framework
closeBrowserTab(String, FastRunProperties, Framework) - Static method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.BrowserUtilHelper
Closes the specified browser tab
closeDriver() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastDriver
Close this FastDriver
closeDrivers() - Method in class com.qcefast.util.Fast
This method will eventually be removed.
columnIndexMap - Variable in class com.qcefast.util.DataSetFile
com.qcefast.enums - package com.qcefast.enums
com.qcefast.exceptions - package com.qcefast.exceptions
com.qcefast.fastXml - package com.qcefast.fastXml
com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific - package com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific
com.qcefast.reports - package com.qcefast.reports
com.qcefast.starter - package com.qcefast.starter
com.qcefast.util - package com.qcefast.util
CONVERT_LOWERCASE - com.qcefast.enums.AutoGenerateDataType
This DataType is used to convert the value in the data field to lowercase.
CONVERT_UPPERCASE - com.qcefast.enums.AutoGenerateDataType
This DataType is used to convert the value in the data field to uppercase.
convertFastElementToFastHtmlTable(FastElement) - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastHtmlTable
Converts a FastElement into the FastHtmlTable
COPY_FILE - com.qcefast.enums.Action
This action is used to copy a file from one location to another.
COPY_FILE_TSTEP - com.qcefast.enums.Action
This action is used to copy a file from one location to another.
copyFile(String, String) - Static method in class com.qcefast.util.FileMnpltr
Copies files from one location to another
copyFolder(File, File) - Static method in class com.qcefast.util.FileMnpltr
Copies a folder from one location to another
CREATE_REFERENCE - com.qcefast.enums.Action
This action is used to create a reference that can be accessed at a later point when using the FAST Framework.
createTestStepDataDirectory(TestStep) - Static method in class com.qcefast.util.FastUtil
Creates a folder to store date for the passed in TestStep
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