Enum Action

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable<Action>, java.lang.constant.Constable

    public enum Action
    extends java.lang.Enum<Action>
    An enum that contains the constants that represent the actions that the FAST framework can execute
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        java.lang.Enum.EnumDesc<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
      This action is used to accept or confirm simple HTML alerts.
      This action is used to cancel or dismiss simple HTML alerts.
      This action is used to take is a screenshot using the current webdriver.
      This action is used to click an object located by a TestStep.
      This action is used to click an object within a cell, within a row that exists in a HTML table.
      This action is used close all browsers tabs.
      This action is used to close the browser tab specified in the Page field.
      This action is used to copy a file from one location to another.
      This action is used to copy a file from one location to another.
      This action is used to create a reference that can be accessed at a later point when using the FAST Framework.
      This action is used to enter text into an object located by a TestStep.
      This action is used to enter text into an object located by a TestStep.
      This action is used to execute a FastXml.
      This action is used to click an object located by a TestStep using javascript.
      This action is used to make to system pause until it receives user input before continuing execution.
      This action is used to move a file from one location to another.
      This action is used to move a file from one location to another.
      This action is used to navigate to a url.
      This action is used when no action needs to be executed by a TestStep.
      This action is used to refresh the most recent page that the Fast Framework was on.
      This action is used to select a value from a HTML select object locatedd by a TestStep.
      This action is not yet supported by the FAST Framework
      This action is used to switch to the browser tab specified in the Page field.
      This action is not yet supported by the FAST Framework
      This action is used to verify a property of an object located by a TestStep.
      This action is not yet supported by the FAST Framework
      This action is used to verify if a row exists in a HTML table.
      This action is used to verify that the object located by a TestStep exists.
      This action is used to verify that the an object located by a TestStep contains the text returned by TestStep.getData().
      This action is used to make the system pause until a specified number of seconds has passed.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getValuesAsSet()
      Gets all available actions
      static Action valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static Action[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, describeConstable, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • NAVIGATE

        public static final Action NAVIGATE
        This action is used to navigate to a url. A TestStep using this action will navigate to the url returned by TestStep.getData(), using the Framework returned by TestStep.getFramework().
        If the FastRunProperties of the TestStep contains the a property that matches TestStep.getData(), the value for that property will be used to navigate instead.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{url to navigate to}"
        • TestStep.Action="NAVIGATE"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken - optional
        • How to use NAVIGATE action with static value
        • How to use NAVIGATE action with variable

        public static final Action VERIFY_PROPERTY
        This action is used to verify a property of an object located by a TestStep.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Page="Title={title of the page the object is on}"
        • TestStep.Frame="{attributes and values needed to find the frame that an object is in}"
        • TestStep.Object="{attributes and values needed to find the object}"
        • TestStep.Data="{propertyName}={propertyValue}"
        • TestStep.Action="VERIFY_PROPERTY"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken - optional
        • How to use VERIFY_PROPERTY action
      • SELECT

        public static final Action SELECT
        This action is used to select a value from a HTML select object locatedd by a TestStep.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Page="Title={title of the page the select object is on}"
        • TestStep.Frame="{attributes and values needed to find the frame that an object is in}"
        • TestStep.Object="{attributes and values needed to find the select object}"
        • TestStep.Data="{The text of the object that is to be clicked from the dropdown}"
        • TestStep.Action="SELECT"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken - optional
        • How to use SELECT action
      • CLICK

        public static final Action CLICK
        This action is used to click an object located by a TestStep.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Page="Title={title of the page the object is on}"
        • TestStep.Frame="{attributes and values needed to find the frame that an object is in}"
        • TestStep.Object="{attributes and values needed to find the object}"
        • TestStep.Action="CLICK"
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken - optional
        • How to use CLICK action


        public static final Action JAVASCRIPT_CLICK
        This action is used to click an object located by a TestStep using javascript.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Page="Title={title of the page the object is on}"
        • TestStep.Frame="{attributes and values needed to find the frame that an object is in}"
        • TestStep.Object="{attributes and values needed to find the object}"
        • TestStep.Action="JAVASCRIPT_CLICK"
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken - optional
        • How to use JAVASCRIPT_CLICK action
      • ENTER

        public static final Action ENTER
        This action is used to enter text into an object located by a TestStep.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Page="Title={title of the page the object is on}"
        • TestStep.Frame="{attributes and values needed to find the frame that an object is in}"
        • TestStep.Object="{attributes and values needed to find the object}"
        • TestStep.Data="{the text to be entered into the object}"
        • TestStep.Action="ENTER_TEXT"
        • TestStep.DataGen="{see DataGen}" - optional
        • TestStep.DataType="{see AutoGenerateDataType}" - optional
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken - optional
        • How to use ENTER action
      • ENTER_TEXT

        public static final Action ENTER_TEXT
        This action is used to enter text into an object located by a TestStep.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Page="Title={title of the page the object is on}"
        • TestStep.Frame="{attributes and values needed to find the frame that an object is in}"
        • TestStep.Object="{attributes and values needed to find the object}"
        • TestStep.Data="{the text to be entered into the object}"
        • TestStep.Action="ENTER_TEXT"
        • TestStep.DataGen="{see DataGen}" - optional
        • TestStep.DataType="{see AutoGenerateDataType}" - optional
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken - optional
        • How to use ENTER_TEXT action

        public static final Action VERIFY_TABLE_ROW
        This action is used to verify if a row exists in a HTML table. This action currently only works with basic HTML tables containing thead, th, tbody, tr html tags. A custom action may be required if the FAST Framework is doesn't yield expected results while using the FAST Framework Usage.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Page="Title={title of the page the HTML table is on}"
        • TestStep.Frame="{attributes and values needed to find the frame that the HTML is in}"
        • TestStep.Object="{attributes and values needed to find the HTML table}"
        • TestStep.Data="{data pertaining to the cells of the row that is being verified}"
          • Data for the desired row should match the regex 'Row:=(.*?)||'. Within the data, column and value pairs should be separated by ;;, and the column and value should be separated by ::
          • ex. Row:=Position::Software Engineer;;Office::San Francisco||
            • 'Position' and 'Office' are column names of the HTML table
            • 'Software Engineer' is a value in a cell that exists in the 'Position' column.
            • 'San Francisco' is a value in a cell that exists in the 'Office' column
        • TestStep.Action="VERIFY_TABLE_ROW"
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken - optional
        • How to use VERIFY_TABLE_ROW action

        public static final Action CLICK_CELL_OBJECT
        This action is used to click an object within a cell, within a row that exists in a HTML table. This action currently only works with basic HTML tables containing thead, th, tbody, tr html tags. A custom action may be required if the FAST Framework is doesn't yield expected results while using the FAST Framework Usage.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Page="Title={title of the page the HTML table is on}"
        • TestStep.Frame="{attributes and values needed to find the frame that the HTML is in}"
        • TestStep.Object="{attributes and values needed to find the HTML table}"
        • TestStep.Data="{data pertaining to the cells of the row that needs to be found, followed by the data pertaining the which cell column the desired object is in, and the properties needed to find the object within that cell}"
          • Data for the desired row should match the regex 'Row:=(.*?)||'. Within the data, column and value pairs should be separated by ;;, and the column and value should be separated by ::
          • Data for the desired cell should match the regex 'Cell:=(.*?)||'
          • ex. Row:=Company::Apollo Hospitals||Cell:=Company::tagName=a||
            • 'Company' is a column name of the HTML table
            • 'Apollo Hospitals' is a value in a cell that exists in the 'Company' column.
            • Everything following 'Cell:=Company::' is used to find an object within a cell.
        • TestStep.Action="CLICK_CELL_OBJECT"
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken - optional
        • How to use CLICK_CELL_OBJECT action

        public static final Action VERIFY_WEBELEMENT
        This action is used to verify that the object located by a TestStep exists.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Page="Title={title of the page the object is on}"
        • TestStep.Frame="{attributes and values needed to find the frame that an object is in}"
        • TestStep.Object="{attributes and values needed to find the object}"
        • TestStep.Action="VERIFY_WEBELEMENT"
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken - optional
        • How to use VERIFY_WEBELEMENT action

        public static final Action VERIFY_WEBELEMENT_TEXT
        This action is used to verify that the an object located by a TestStep contains the text returned by TestStep.getData().
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Page="Title={title of the page the object is on}"
        • TestStep.Frame="{attributes and values needed to find the frame that an object is in}"
        • TestStep.Object="{attributes and values needed to find the object}"
        • TestStep.Data="{the text of the element that is to be verified}"
        • TestStep.Action="VERIFY_WEBELEMENT_TEXT"
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the data value in}" - optional
        • How to use VERIFY_WEBELEMENT_TEXT action

        public static final Action REFRESH_PAGE
        This action is used to refresh the most recent page that the Fast Framework was on.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Action="REFRESH_PAGE"
        • TestStep.DataGen="{see DataGen}" - optional
        • TestStep.DataType="{see AutoGenerateDataType}" - optional
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken - optional
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • How to use REFRESH_PAGE action

        public static final Action ALERT_ACCEPT
        This action is used to accept or confirm simple HTML alerts.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Action="ALERT_ACCEPT"
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken - optional
        • TestStep.DataGen="{see DataGen}" - optional
        • TestStep.DataType="{see AutoGenerateDataType}" - optional
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • How to use ALERT_ACCEPT action

        public static final Action ALERT_DISMISS
        This action is used to cancel or dismiss simple HTML alerts.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Action="ALERT_DISMISS"
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken - optional
        • TestStep.DataGen="{see DataGen}" - optional
        • TestStep.DataType="{see AutoGenerateDataType}" - optional
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • How to use ALERT_DISMISS action
      • UPDATE_SQL

        public static final Action UPDATE_SQL
        This action is not yet supported by the FAST Framework
      • SUBMIT_SQL

        public static final Action SUBMIT_SQL
        This action is not yet supported by the FAST Framework
      • VERIFY_SQL

        public static final Action VERIFY_SQL
        This action is not yet supported by the FAST Framework

        public static final Action CAPTURE_SCREENSHOT
        This action is used to take is a screenshot using the current webdriver. Functions the same as setting the screenshot field of a TestStep to true. The screenshot will be saved at the filepath TestStep.getDetailedResultFolder()/Screenshots/FunctionalStep_{functionalStepNumber}
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Action="CAPTURE_SCREENSHOT"
        • TestStep.DataGen="{see DataGen}" - optional
        • TestStep.DataType="{see AutoGenerateDataType}" - optional
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • How to use CAPTURE_SCREENSHOT action

        public static final Action CREATE_REFERENCE
        This action is used to create a reference that can be accessed at a later point when using the FAST Framework.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{the data that is to be saved into a reference}"
        • TestStep.Action="CREATE_REFERENCE"
        • TestStep.DataGen="{see DataGen}" - optioanl
        • TestStep.DataType="{see AutoGenerateDataType}" - optional
        • TestStep.Reference="{the name of the reference that is being created}" - optional
        • How to use CREATE_REFERENCE action

        public static final Action MANUAL_WAIT
        This action is used to make to system pause until it receives user input before continuing execution. Currently opens a JOptionPane window and requires the user to Click OK for execution to resume.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{an optional message to be displayed on the JOptionPane window}"
        • TestStep.Action="MANUAL_WAIT"
        • TestStep.DataGen="{see DataGen}" - optional
        • TestStep.DataType="{see AutoGenerateDataType}" - optional
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • How to use MANUAL_WAIT action
      • WAIT

        public static final Action WAIT
        This action is used to make the system pause until a specified number of seconds has passed.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{number of seconds as an integer}"
        • TestStep.Action="WAIT"
        • TestStep.DataGen="{see DataGen}" - optional
        • TestStep.DataType="{see AutoGenerateDataType}" - optional
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • How to use WAIT action
      • COPY_FILE

        public static final Action COPY_FILE
        This action is used to copy a file from one location to another. A reference containing the filepath of the copied file is also created. If a reference name is not specified, the reference name will be {testScriptNumber}_{functionalStepNumber}_{testStepNumber}_fileReference.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{filePath to the destination file}"
        • TestStep.Action="COPY_FILE"
        • TestStep.DataParameter="{filePath to the target file}"
        • TestStep.Reference="{the name of the reference that will store the filePath of the destination file}
        • How to use COPY_FILE action

        public static final Action COPY_FILE_TSTEP
        This action is used to copy a file from one location to another. The file is copied to a filepath determined in part by the TestStep that executes this action. A unique directory for the testStep is created at TestStep.getDetailedResultFolder()/TestStepData/TestScript_{tScriptNumber}/FunctionalStep_{fStepNumber}/TestStep_{tStepNumber}. A reference containing the filepath of the copied file is also created. If a reference name is not specified, the reference name will be {testScriptNumber}_{functionalStepNumber}_{testStepNumber}_fileReference.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{the name of the destination file}"
        • TestStep.Action="COPY_FILE_TSTEP"
        • TestStep.DataParameter="{filePath to the target file}"
        • TestStep.Reference="{the name of the reference that will store the filePath of the destination file}
        • How to use COPY_FILE_TSTEP action
      • MOVE_FILE

        public static final Action MOVE_FILE
        This action is used to move a file from one location to another.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{filePath to the destination file}"
        • TestStep.Action="MOVE_FILE"
        • TestStep.DataParameter="{filePath to the target file}"
        • TestStep.Reference="{the name of the reference that will store the filePath of the destination file}
        • How to use MOVE_FILE action

        public static final Action MOVE_FILE_TSTEP
        This action is used to move a file from one location to another. The file is moved to a filepath determined in part by the TestStep that executes this action. A unique directory for the testStep is created at TestStep.getDetailedResultFolder()/TestStepData/TestScript_{tScriptNumber}/FunctionalStep_{fStepNumber}/TestStep_{tStepNumber}. A reference containing the filepath of this new directory is also created. If a reference name is not specified, the reference name will be {testScriptNumber}_{functionalStepNumber}_{testStepNumber}_fileReference.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{the name of the destination file}"
        • TestStep.Action="MOVE_FILE_TSTEP"
        • TestStep.DataParameter="{filePath to the target file}"
        • TestStep.Reference="{the name of the reference that will store the filePath of the destination file}
        • How to use MOVE_FILE_TSTEP action

        public static final Action CLOSE_BROWSER_TAB
        This action is used to close the browser tab specified in the Page field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Page="Title={title of the browser tab that should be closed}"
        • TestStep.Action="CLOSE_BROWSER_TAB"
        • TestStep.DataGen="{see DataGen}" - optional
        • TestStep.DataType="{see AutoGenerateDataType}" - optional
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • How to use CLOSE_BROWSER_TAB action

        public static final Action CLOSE_ALL_BROWSERS
        This action is used close all browsers tabs.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Action="CLOSE_ALL_BROWSERS"
        • TestStep.DataGen="{see DataGen}" - optional
        • TestStep.DataType="{see AutoGenerateDataType}" - optional
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • How to use CLOSE_ALL_BROWSERS action
      • SWITCH_TAB

        public static final Action SWITCH_TAB
        This action is used to switch to the browser tab specified in the Page field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Page="Title={title of the browser tab that should be switched to}"
        • TestStep.Action="SWITCH_TAB"
        • TestStep.Screenshot="true" - if you want a screenshot taken
        • TestStep.DataGen="{see DataGen}" - optional
        • TestStep.DataType="{see AutoGenerateDataType}" - optional
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • How to use SWITCH_TAB action

        public static final Action EXECUTE_FASTXML
        This action is used to execute a FastXml. The executionReports are written to the filepath TestStep.getDetailedResultFolder()/TestStepData/TestScript_{tScriptNumber}/FunctionalStep_{fStepNumber}/TestStep_{tStepNumber}/Result.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="Title={filepath of the xml driver that is to be executed}"
        • TestStep.Action="EXECUTE_FASTXML"
        • How to use EXECUTE_FASTXML action
      • NONE

        public static final Action NONE
        This action is used when no action needs to be executed by a TestStep.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Action="NONE"
        • TestStep.DataGen="{see DataGen}" - optional
        • TestStep.DataType="{see AutoGenerateDataType}" - optional
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}" - optional
        • How to use NONE action
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static Action[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static Action valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getValuesAsSet

        public static java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getValuesAsSet()
        Gets all available actions
        A set of all actions available in this enum