Enum AutoGenerateDataType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable<AutoGenerateDataType>, java.lang.constant.Constable

    public enum AutoGenerateDataType
    extends java.lang.Enum<AutoGenerateDataType>
    An enum that contains the Data Types available to the FAST Framework
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        java.lang.Enum.EnumDesc<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
      This DataType is used to prepend a prefix onto data that exists in the data field.
      This DataType is used to append a suffix onto data that exists in the data field.
      This DataType is used to generate a random alphabetic string of the specified length.
      This DataType is used to generate a random alphanumeric string of the specified length.
      This DataType is used to prepend characters onto the beginning of a string.
      This DataType is used to append characters onto the end of a string.
      This DataType is used to convert the value in the data field to lowercase.
      This DataType is used to convert the value in the data field to uppercase.
      This DataType is used to generate a date in yyyy-MM-dd date format.
      This DataType is used to generate a date in yyyy-MM-dd date format, and the return that date without the '-' characters.
      This DataType is used to store a value from the fast runtime proerties (properties being used when executing xml driver) into a reference.
      This DataType is used to generate a firstname using Faker.
      This DataType is used to generate a firstname, and append it with a prefix using Faker.
      This DataType is used to generate a firstname, and append it with a suffix using Faker.
      This DataType is used to get an intial from data that exists in the data field.
      This DataType is used to generate a lastname using Faker.
      This DataType is used to generate a lastname, and append it with a prefix using Faker.
      This DataType is used to generate a lastname, and append it with a suffix using Faker.
      This DataType is used to generate a middlename using Faker.
      This DataType is used whenever no DataType has been specified.
      This DataType is used to generate a random numeric string of the specified length.
      This DataType is used to generate a random numeric string of the specified length, excluding the number 0.
      This DataType is used to replace characters at the beginning of a string with random alphabetic characters.
      This DataType is used to generate a datetime relative to the current datetime in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss format.
      This DataType is used to replace characters at the end of a string with random alphabetic characters.
      This DataType is used to generate a firstname, and prepend it with a prefix using Faker.
      This DataType is used to generate a lastname, and prepend it with a prefix using Faker.
      This DataType is usage to retrieve the day from a date in the format yyyy-MM-dd.
      This DataType is usage to retrieve the month from a date in the format yyyy-MM-dd.
      This DataType is usage to retrieve the year from a date in the format yyyy-MM-dd.
      This DataType is used to remove a prefix from data that exists in the data field.
      This DataType is used to remove a suffix from data that exists in the data field.
      This DataType is not yet supported by the FAST Framework.
      This DataType is not yet supported by the FAST Framework.
      This DataType is used to save the value in a TestStep's data field to a reference.
      This DataType is used to generate a firstname, and prepend it with a suffix using Faker.
      This DataType is used to generate a lastname, and prepend it with a suffix using Faker.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static AutoGenerateDataType valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static AutoGenerateDataType[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, describeConstable, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • ALPHA

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType ALPHA
        This DataType is used to generate a random alphabetic string of the specified length. The generated string will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="ALPHA"
        • TestStep.DataParameter="{length of characters}"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store generated string in}"
        • How to use ALPHA datatype
      • NUMERIC

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType NUMERIC
        This DataType is used to generate a random numeric string of the specified length. The generated string will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="NUMERIC"
        • TestStep.DataParameter="{length of characters}"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store generated string in}"
        • How to use NUMERIC datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType NUMERIC_MINUS_ZERO
        This DataType is used to generate a random numeric string of the specified length, excluding the number 0. The generated string will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="NUMERIC"
        • TestStep.DataParameter="{length of characters}"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store generated string in}"
        • How to use NUMERIC_MINUS_ZERO datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType ALPHA_NUMERIC
        This DataType is used to generate a random alphanumeric string of the specified length. The generated string will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="ALPHA_NUMERIC"
        • TestStep.DataParameter="{length of characters}"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store generated string in}"
        • How to use ALPHA_NUMERIC datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType OFFSET_DATE
        This DataType is used to generate a datetime relative to the current datetime in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss format. The generated datetime will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="OFFSET_DATE"
        • TestStep.DataParameter="{timeperiod1}={offset1}::{timeperiod2}={offset2}...{timeperiod5}={offset5}" - Example: if current time is 2021-05-12T09:15:24, DAY=-2::HOUR=3, will yield 2021-05-10T12:15:24
          • YEAR
          • MONTH
          • DAY
          • HOUR
          • MINUTE
          • SECOND
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store generated datetime in}"
        • How to use OFFSET_DATE datatype
      • DOB

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType DOB
        This DataType is used to generate a date in yyyy-MM-dd date format. A date range can be specified in order to randomly generate a date within the range. Using "RANDOM" will use date range 0-99. A single age may be specified, in which a case, a random date for during the birth year will be chosen. The generated date will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="DOB"
        • TestStep.DataParameter=
          • "RANDOM" - generates a random date using range 0 to 99 in yyyy-MM-dd format
          • "{minAge}{delimiter}{maxAge}" - generates a date using the specified ages. Example usage: 5::39, assuming the delimiter was ::, would generate a random date that is sometime between 5 years, and 39 years before the current date
          • "{age}" - generates a random date that is between {age} + 1 years ago and yesterday. For ex: {age}=0 will generate a random date between 1 year ago and yesterday
          • null or "" - will return the current date in yyyy-MM-dd format
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of the reference to store the generated date in}"
        • How to use DOB datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType DOB_NO_SPACES
        This DataType is used to generate a date in yyyy-MM-dd date format, and the return that date without the '-' characters. A date range can be specified in order to randomly generate a date within the range. Using "RANDOM" will use date range 0-99. A single age may be specified, in which a case, a random date for during the birth year will be chosen. The generated date will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="DOB_NO_SPACES"
        • TestStep.DataParameter=
          • "RANDOM" - generates a random date using range 0 to 99 in yyyy-MM-dd format, then returns the date without the '-' characters
          • "{minAge}{delimiter}{maxAge}" - generates a date using the specified ages. Example usage: 5::39, assuming the delimiter was ::, would generate a random date that is sometime between 5 years, and 39 years before the current date
          • "{age}" - generates a random date that is between {age} + 1 years ago and yesterday. For ex: {age}=0 will generate a random date between 1 year ago and yesterday
          • null or "" - will return the current date in yyyyMMdd format
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of the reference to store the generated date in}"
        • How to use DOB_NO_SPACES datatype
      • SQL_REF

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType SQL_REF
        This DataType is not yet supported by the FAST Framework.
      • REF_DOB_YEAR

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType REF_DOB_YEAR
        This DataType is usage to retrieve the year from a date in the format yyyy-MM-dd. The year will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{a date in yyyy-MM-dd format}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="REF_DOB_YEAR"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of the reference to store the year in}"
        • How to use REF_DOB_YEAR datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType REF_DOB_MONTH
        This DataType is usage to retrieve the month from a date in the format yyyy-MM-dd. The month will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{a date in yyyy-MM-dd format}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="REF_DOB_MONTH"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of the reference to store the month in}"
        • How to use REF_DOB_MONTH datatype
      • REF_DOB_DAY

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType REF_DOB_DAY
        This DataType is usage to retrieve the day from a date in the format yyyy-MM-dd. The dat will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{a date in yyyy-MM-dd format}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="REF_DOB_DAY"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of the reference to store the day in}"
        • How to use REF_DOB_DAY datatype
      • STATIC

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType STATIC
        This DataType is used to save the value in a TestStep's data field to a reference.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="STATIC"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store generated string in}"
        • How to use STATIC datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType SQL_MULTI_REF
        This DataType is not yet supported by the FAST Framework.
      • FIRST

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType FIRST
        This DataType is used to generate a firstname using Faker. The name will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="FIRST"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the name in}"
        • How to use FIRST datatype
      • MIDDLE

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType MIDDLE
        This DataType is used to generate a middlename using Faker. The name will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="MIDDLE"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the name in}"
        • How to use MIDDLE datatype
      • LAST

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType LAST
        This DataType is used to generate a lastname using Faker. The name will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="LAST"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the name in}"
        • How to use LAST datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType PREFIX_FIRST
        This DataType is used to generate a firstname, and prepend it with a prefix using Faker. The name will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="PREFIX_FIRST"
        • TestStep.DataParameter=
          • "RANDOM" - Uses Faker to prepend the name with a prefix
          • {anything besides "RANDOM" prepends the name with the value in this field}
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the name in}"
        • How to use PREFIX_FIRST datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType SUFFIX_FIRST
        This DataType is used to generate a firstname, and prepend it with a suffix using Faker. The name will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="SUFFIX_FIRST"
        • TestStep.DataParameter=
          • "RANDOM" - Uses Faker to prepend the name with a suffix
          • {anything besides "RANDOM" prepends the name with the value in this field}
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the name in}"
        • How to use SUFFIX_FIRST datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType PREFIX_LAST
        This DataType is used to generate a lastname, and prepend it with a prefix using Faker. The name will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="PREFIX_LAST"
        • TestStep.DataParameter=
          • "RANDOM" - Uses Faker to prepend the name with a prefix
          • {anything besides "RANDOM" prepends the name with the value in this field}
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the name in}"
        • How to use PREFIX_LAST datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType SUFFIX_LAST
        This DataType is used to generate a lastname, and prepend it with a suffix using Faker. The name will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="SUFFIX_LAST"
        • TestStep.DataParameter=
          • "RANDOM" - Uses Faker to prepend the name with a suffix
          • {anything besides "RANDOM" prepends the name with the value in this field}
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the name in}"
        • How to use SUFFIX_LAST datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType FIRST_PREFIX
        This DataType is used to generate a firstname, and append it with a prefix using Faker. The name will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="FIRST_PREFIX"
        • TestStep.DataParameter=
          • "RANDOM" - Uses Faker to append the name with a prefix
          • {anything besides "RANDOM" appends the name with the value in this field}
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the name in}"
        • How to use FIRST_PREFIX datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType FIRST_SUFFIX
        This DataType is used to generate a firstname, and append it with a suffix using Faker. The name will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="FIRST_SUFFIX"
        • TestStep.DataParameter=
          • "RANDOM" - Uses Faker to append the name with a suffix
          • {anything besides "RANDOM" appends the name with the value in this field}
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the name in}"
        • How to use FIRST_SUFFIX datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType LAST_PREFIX
        This DataType is used to generate a lastname, and append it with a prefix using Faker. The name will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="LAST_PREFIX"
        • TestStep.DataParameter=
          • "RANDOM" - Uses Faker to append the name with a prefix
          • {anything besides "RANDOM" appends the name with the value in this field}
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the name in}"
        • How to use LAST_PREFIX datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType LAST_SUFFIX
        This DataType is used to generate a lastname, and append it with a suffix using Faker. The name will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="LAST_SUFFIX"
        • TestStep.DataParameter=
          • "RANDOM" - Uses Faker to append the name with a suffix
          • {anything besides "RANDOM" appends the name with the value in this field}
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the name in}"
        • How to use LAST_SUFFIX datatype
      • ADD_PREFIX

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType ADD_PREFIX
        This DataType is used to prepend a prefix onto data that exists in the data field. If the data in TestStep.getData() contains a reference, that reference will be resolved before prepending the prefix onto it. The updated value will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{data that a prefix will be prepended to}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="ADD_PREFIX"
        • TestStep.DataParameter=
          • "RANDOM" - Uses Faker to prepend the data with a prefix
          • {anything besides "RANDOM" prepends the data with the value in this field}
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}"
        • How to use ADD_PREFIX datatype
      • ADD_SUFFIX

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType ADD_SUFFIX
        This DataType is used to append a suffix onto data that exists in the data field. If the data in TestStep.getData() contains a reference, that reference will be resolved before appending the suffix onto it. The updated value will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{data that a suffix will be appended to}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="ADD_SUFFIX"
        • TestStep.DataParameter=
          • "RANDOM" - Uses Faker to append the data with a suffix
          • {anything besides "RANDOM" appends the data with the value in this field}
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}"
        • How to use ADD_SUFFIX datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType REMOVE_PREFIX
        This DataType is used to remove a prefix from data that exists in the data field. Functionally, the first token of the value is what is removed. If the data in TestStep.getData() contains a reference, that reference will be resolved before removing the token. The updated value will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{data that a prefix will be removed from}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="REMOVE_PREFIX"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}"
        • How to use REMOVE_PREFIX datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType REMOVE_SUFFIX
        This DataType is used to remove a suffix from data that exists in the data field. Functionally, the last token of the value is what is removed. If the data in TestStep.getData() contains a reference, that reference will be resolved before removing the token. The updated value will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{data that a suffix will be removed from}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="REMOVE_SUFFIX"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}"
        • How to use REMOVE_SUFFIX datatype
      • INITIAL

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType INITIAL
        This DataType is used to get an intial from data that exists in the data field. Functionally, this will get the first character from the data field. If the data in TestStep.getData() contains a reference, that reference will be resolved before getting the first character. The initial will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{data that the intial will come from}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="INITIAL"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}"
        • How to use INITIAL datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType OFFSET_BEGINNING
        This DataType is used to replace characters at the beginning of a string with random alphabetic characters. The amount of characters to be replaced at the beginning of the string will be specified in the DataParamter field. If the data in TestStep.getData() contains a reference, that reference will be resolved before updating. The updated string will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{the string whose beginning characters will be changed}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="OFFSET_BEGINNING"
        • TestStep.DataParamter="{integer of the number of characters to be replaced from the beginning of a string}"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}"
        • How to use OFFSET_BEGINNING datatype
      • OFFSET_END

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType OFFSET_END
        This DataType is used to replace characters at the end of a string with random alphabetic characters. The amount of characters to be replaced at the end of the string will be specified in the DataParamter field. If the data in TestStep.getData() contains a reference, that reference will be resolved before updating the string. The updated string will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{the string whose ending characters will be changed}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="OFFSET_END"
        • TestStep.DataParamter="{integer of the number of characters to be replaced from the end of a string}"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}"
        • How to use OFFSET_END datatype
      • APPEND_END

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType APPEND_END
        This DataType is used to append characters onto the end of a string. A static string can be appended, or a random string with a specified number of characters may be appeneded. If the data in TestStep.getData() contains a reference, that reference will be resolved before updating the string. The updated string will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{the string that will be appended to}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="APPEND_END"
        • TestStep.DataParamter=
          • "RANDOM:{integer}" - will append the specified number of random alphabetic to the end of the string
          • "STATIC:{static string}" - will append a static value to the end of the string
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}"
        • How to use APPEND_END datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType APPEND_BEGINNING
        This DataType is used to prepend characters onto the beginning of a string. A static string can be prepended, or a random string with a specified number of characters may be prepended. If the data in TestStep.getData() contains a reference, that reference will be resolved before updating the string. The updated string will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{the string that will be prepended}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="APPEND_BEGINNING"
        • TestStep.DataParamter=
          • "RANDOM:{integer}" - will prepend the specified number of random alphabetic to the beginning of the string
          • "STATIC:{static string}" - will prepend a static value to the beginning of the string
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}"
        • How to use APPEND_BEGINNING datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType CONVERT_UPPERCASE
        This DataType is used to convert the value in the data field to uppercase. If the data in TestStep.getData() contains a reference, that reference will be resolved before getting the first character. The updated value will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{string that will be converted to uppercase}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="CONVERT_UPPERCASE"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}"
        • How to use CONVERT_UPPERCASE datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType CONVERT_LOWERCASE
        This DataType is used to convert the value in the data field to lowercase. If the data in TestStep.getData() contains a reference, that reference will be resolved before getting the first character. The updated value will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.Data="{string that will be converted to uppercase}"
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="CONVERT_LOWERCASE"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}"
        • How to use CONVERT_LOWERCASE datatype

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType FAST_PROPERTIES
        This DataType is used to store a value from the fast runtime proerties (properties being used when executing xml driver) into a reference. The value will be stored in the data field of a TestStep, and will also be saved to the reference specified in the reference field.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="FAST_PROPERTIES"
        • TestStep.DataParameter="{name of fast runtime property whose value you would like to be stored}"
        • TestStep.Reference="{name of reference to store the updated value in}"
        • How to use FAST_PROPERTIES datatype
      • NONE

        public static final AutoGenerateDataType NONE
        This DataType is used whenever no DataType has been specified.
        FAST Framework Usage:
        • TestStep.DataGen="AUTOGENERATE"
        • TestStep.DataType="NONE"
        • How to use NONE datatype
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static AutoGenerateDataType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static AutoGenerateDataType valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null