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IEXPLORER - com.qcefast.enums.Browsers
An enum constant for representing using the Internet Explorer browser.
IMG - com.qcefast.enums.TagNames
Img tag names.
IMG - com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastDriver.TagNames
INCOMPLETE - com.qcefast.enums.Status
Incomplete status.
INITIAL - com.qcefast.enums.AutoGenerateDataType
This DataType is used to get an intial from data that exists in the data field.
INPUT - com.qcefast.enums.TagNames
Input tag names.
INPUT - com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastDriver.TagNames
INTERNET_EXPLORER - com.qcefast.enums.Browsers
An enum constant for representing using the Internet Explorer browser.
IO - com.qcefast.enums.TagNames
Io tag names.
IO - com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastDriver.TagNames
isDataSetCreated() - Method in class com.qcefast.fastXml.FunctionalTestStep
Is data set created boolean.
isExecuteDataSet() - Method in class com.qcefast.fastXml.FunctionalTestStep
Is execute data set boolean.
isExecuteStep() - Method in class com.qcefast.fastXml.TestStepFields
Should the TestStep be executed
isFindByLocator() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Returns whether or not this element is to be found using a framework locator instead of fastProperties
isFound() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Returns whether or not this FastElement has been located by any framework
isFoundBySelenium() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Returns whether or not the seleniumElement of this FastElement has been located
isScreenshotTaken() - Method in class com.qcefast.fastXml.TestStep
Is screenshot taken boolean.
isUseAncestors() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Returns whether or not this elements fastElementAncestors will be used in locating this object
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