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UPDATE_SQL - com.qcefast.enums.Action
This action is not yet supported by the FAST Framework
updateAllFields(TestStep) - Static method in class com.qcefast.util.ProcessXMLDriver
Used to update token references for all fields of a teststep
updateFields(TestStep, DataFields) - Static method in class com.qcefast.util.ProcessXMLDriver
Updates the token and references of a teststep for the passed in field
updateFStepResultHeader(String, FunctionalStepLog) - Static method in class com.qcefast.reports.HTMLReport
Updates the execution status of the functional step header from RUNNING to the appropriate value
updateFunctionalStepStatus(FunctionalStepLog, Set<Status>, Set<Status>) - Static method in class com.qcefast.util.ProcessXMLDriver
Updates the status of a FunctionalStepLog and the FunctionalTestStep it tracks using the worst status among a set of testStepStatuses.
updateTestScriptResultHeader(TestFileLog) - Static method in class com.qcefast.reports.HTMLReport
Updates the execution status in the detailed report of a testscript from running the appropriate status
updateTestScriptStatus(TestFileLog, Set<Status>, Set<Status>) - Static method in class com.qcefast.util.ProcessXMLDriver
Updates the status of a TestFileLog and the TestScript it tracks using the worst status among a set of functionalStepStatuses.
updateTestSuiteResultFile(String, double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.qcefast.reports.HTMLReport
Updates the overall summary file after all tests have been completed
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