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FAIL_FSTEP - com.qcefast.enums.FailType
If a TestStep with this FailType fails, the Fast framework will proceed to the next FunctionalTestStep available in a TestScript
FAIL_TCASE - com.qcefast.enums.FailType
If a TestStep with this FailType fails, the Fast framework will proceed to the next TestScript available in a FastXml
FAIL_TSTEP - com.qcefast.enums.FailType
If a TestStep with this FailType fails, the Fast framework will proceed to the next TestStep
available in a FunctionalTestStep
FAIL_TSUITE - com.qcefast.enums.FailType
If a TestStep with this FailType fails, the Fast framework will cease execution.
FAILED - com.qcefast.enums.Status
Failed status.
failedTests(HTMLReport) - Static method in class com.qcefast.util.ProcessXMLDriver
Returns the number of tests that failed or resulted in an error
FailType - Enum in com.qcefast.enums
An enum that contains the constants that represent the different levels a TestStep can fail.
Fast - Class in com.qcefast.util
This class is used as a hub for the FAST framework.
Fast() - Constructor for class com.qcefast.util.Fast
Default constructor
Fast(FastRunProperties) - Constructor for class com.qcefast.util.Fast
Constructs a Fast object using FastRunProperties
Fast(File...) - Constructor for class com.qcefast.util.Fast
Constructs a Fast object using multiple properties files
Fast(String, File...) - Constructor for class com.qcefast.util.Fast
Constructs a Fast object using properties files.
Fast_Main_Helper - Class in com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific
A tool specific helper class for FastStarter
Fast_Main_Helper() - Constructor for class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.Fast_Main_Helper
FAST_PROPERTIES - com.qcefast.enums.AutoGenerateDataType
This DataType is used to store a value from the fast runtime proerties (properties being used when executing xml driver) into a reference.
FastArgs - Class in com.qcefast.util
Used to aid in parsing command line arguments, as well as storing some defaults
FastArgs() - Constructor for class com.qcefast.util.FastArgs
Default constructor
FastArgs(Object[]) - Constructor for class com.qcefast.util.FastArgs
FastDriver - Class in com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific
This class is used by the FAST Framework to find FastElement
FastDriver() - Constructor for class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastDriver
Default constructor
FastDriver(WebDriver) - Constructor for class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastDriver
Sets the driver that this FastDriver is going to use
FastDriver.TagNames - Enum in com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific
This enum is used to designate tagnames
FastElement - Class in com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific
This class is used to mimic the properties/attributes of a UI element in order to use the assigned Framework to locate that UI element.
FastElement() - Constructor for class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Default constructor
FastElement(Framework) - Constructor for class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Constructor for the Framework of a FastElement
FastElement(FastDriver) - Constructor for class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Constructor for FastElement using a FastDriver
FastElement(FastElementProperties) - Constructor for class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Constructor for fastElementProperties
FastElement(WebDriver) - Constructor for class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Constructor for FastElement using a selenium WebDriver
FastElement(WebElement) - Constructor for class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Constructor for FastElement using a selenium WebElement
FastElementNotFoundException - Exception in com.qcefast.exceptions
This class is used to throw an exception when the fast framework fails to find an element it was searching for
FastElementNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastElementNotFoundException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastElementNotFoundException(Framework, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastElementNotFoundException
Instantiates a new Fast exception
FastElementNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastElementNotFoundException
Instantiates a new Fast exception
FastElementNotFoundException(String, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastElementNotFoundException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastElementNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastElementNotFoundException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastElementNotFoundException(String, Throwable, Framework) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastElementNotFoundException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastElementNotFoundException(String, Throwable, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastElementNotFoundException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastElementNotFoundException(Throwable, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastElementNotFoundException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastElementProperties - Class in com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific
Used to store properties that will be used to locate FastElements
FastElementProperties() - Constructor for class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElementProperties
FastException - Exception in com.qcefast.exceptions
This class is used to handle exceptions that occur while running the fast framework
FastException() - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastException(Framework, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastException
Instantiates a new Fast exception
FastException(String) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastException(String, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastException(String, Throwable, Framework) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastException(String, Throwable, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastException(Throwable, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastHtmlTable - Class in com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific
This class is used to represent an html table, and to aid the FAST Framework in interacting with it
FastHtmlTable() - Constructor for class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastHtmlTable
Default constructor
FastNavigatorException - Exception in com.qcefast.exceptions
This class is used to throw an exception when the fast framework fails when doing a navigation action
FastNavigatorException() - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastNavigatorException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastNavigatorException(Framework) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastNavigatorException
Instantiates a new Fast exception
FastNavigatorException(Framework, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastNavigatorException
Instantiates a new Fast exception
FastNavigatorException(String) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastNavigatorException
Instantiates a new Fast exception
FastNavigatorException(String, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastNavigatorException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastNavigatorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastNavigatorException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastNavigatorException(String, Throwable, Framework) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastNavigatorException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastNavigatorException(String, Throwable, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastNavigatorException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FastNavigatorException(Throwable, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FastNavigatorException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
fastRunConfig - Variable in class com.qcefast.util.FastArgs
FastRunProperties - Class in com.qcefast.util
This class is used to store the properties that the FAST framework will use while executing
FastRunProperties() - Constructor for class com.qcefast.util.FastRunProperties
FastStarter - Class in com.qcefast.starter
This class serves as an entry point for the fast framework
FastStarter() - Constructor for class com.qcefast.starter.FastStarter
FastUtil - Class in com.qcefast.util
This class contains various utility methods that are utilized by the FAST Framework
FastUtil() - Constructor for class com.qcefast.util.FastUtil
FastXml - Class in com.qcefast.fastXml
Used to a represent a Fast xml driver.
FastXml() - Constructor for class com.qcefast.fastXml.FastXml
FileMnpltr - Class in com.qcefast.util
This aids with the manipulation of files and folders
FileMnpltr() - Constructor for class com.qcefast.util.FileMnpltr
finalizeLogs(HTMLReport, String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.qcefast.util.ProcessXMLDriver
Sets overall status for html report
findByClassName() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Locates an element by using the className locator of this FastElement's designated framework, by using the className set for this FastElement.
findByCSSSelector() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Locates an element by using the cssSelector locator of this FastElement's designated framework, by using the cssSelector set for this FastElement.
findById() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Locates an element by using the id locator of this FastElement's designated framework, by using the id set for this FastElement.
findByLinkText() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Locates an element by using the text locator of this FastElement's designated framework, by using the text set for this FastElement.
findByName() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Locates an element by using the name locator of this FastElement's designated framework, by using the name set for this FastElement.
findByPartialLinkText() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Locates an element by using the partialLinkText locator of this FastElement's designated framework, by using the partialLinkText set for this FastElement.
findByTagName() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Locates an element by using the tagName locator of this FastElement's designated framework, by using the tagName set for this FastElement.
findByText() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Locates an element by using the text locator of this FastElement's designated framework, by using the text set for this FastElement.
findByXpath() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Locates an element by using the xpath locator of this FastElement's designated framework, by using the xpath set for this FastElement.
findElementInMe(FastElement) - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Find a FastElement that is a descendant of this FastElement.
findFastElement(FastElement) - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastDriver
Finds a the specified fastElement
findFastElement(FastElementProperties, Framework) - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastDriver
Finds an element using the passed in fastElementProperties and the specified framework, and then returns it represented as a FastElement
findFastElement(FastElement, FastElement) - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastDriver
Finds the specified child element by finding the specified parent element first, then finding the specified child element within it
findFastElements(FastElementProperties, Framework) - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastDriver
Finds multiple elements using the passed in fastElementProperties and the specified framework, and then returns them represented as a list of FastElement
findMe() - Method in class com.qcefast.frameworkSpecific.FastElement
Locates this FastElement using its designated framework
findReplaceString(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.qcefast.util.FileMnpltr
Replace a string from a file with another string
findStringInFile(String, String) - Static method in class com.qcefast.util.FileMnpltr
Searches for a string within a file and returns whether or not it was found
FIREFOX - com.qcefast.enums.Browsers
An enum constant for representing using the Firefox browser.
FIRST - com.qcefast.enums.AutoGenerateDataType
This DataType is used to generate a firstname using Faker.
FIRST_PREFIX - com.qcefast.enums.AutoGenerateDataType
This DataType is used to generate a firstname, and append it with a prefix using Faker.
FIRST_SUFFIX - com.qcefast.enums.AutoGenerateDataType
This DataType is used to generate a firstname, and append it with a suffix using Faker.
FRAME - com.qcefast.enums.DataFields
Enum constant used to represent the Frame field in a TestStep
Framework - Enum in com.qcefast.enums
This enum is used to represent the automatation tools that currently work with the Fast framework
FrameworkNotSupportedException - Exception in com.qcefast.exceptions
This class is used to throw an exception when the fast framework fails when attempting to do something with a Framework that is not currently supporting
FrameworkNotSupportedException(Framework, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FrameworkNotSupportedException
Instantiates a new Fast exception
FrameworkNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FrameworkNotSupportedException
Instantiates a new Fast exception
FrameworkNotSupportedException(String, Framework, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FrameworkNotSupportedException
Instantiates a new Framework not supported exception.
FrameworkNotSupportedException(String, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FrameworkNotSupportedException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FrameworkNotSupportedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FrameworkNotSupportedException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FrameworkNotSupportedException(String, Throwable, Framework) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FrameworkNotSupportedException
Instantiates a new Framework not supported exception.
FrameworkNotSupportedException(String, Throwable, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FrameworkNotSupportedException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
FrameworkNotSupportedException(Throwable, Status) - Constructor for exception com.qcefast.exceptions.FrameworkNotSupportedException
Instantiates a new Fast exception.
frameworkToUse - Static variable in class com.qcefast.util.BrowserUtil
FUNCTIONAL_TAGS_TO_RUN - Variable in class com.qcefast.util.FastRunProperties
FUNCTIONAL_TAGS_TO_SKIP - Variable in class com.qcefast.util.FastRunProperties
FunctionalStepLog - Class in com.qcefast.reports
This class is used to to keep track of a FunctionalTestStep and its results in order to write the final reports.
FunctionalStepLog(FunctionalTestStep) - Constructor for class com.qcefast.reports.FunctionalStepLog
Instantiates a new FunctionalStepLog using a FunctionalTestStep
FunctionalTestStep - Class in com.qcefast.fastXml
Represents a functional step within a TestScript
FunctionalTestStep() - Constructor for class com.qcefast.fastXml.FunctionalTestStep
Instantiates a new FunctionalTestStep
FunctionalTestStep(FunctionalTestStep) - Constructor for class com.qcefast.fastXml.FunctionalTestStep
Instantiates a new Functional test step using an existing FunctionalTestStep
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